Our expertise

Operations Strategy

Improved efficiency and profitability from optimal functional strategies, processes and structures

A suboptimal organization can impede workflow and destroy efficiency. The goal is to create clear, unambiguous lines of authority, adequate management span, structures designed around end-to-end processes, and measurable results. Using proven tools and concepts, we optimize organizational structures to increase efficiency within the company. We also successfully simplify complex, inefficient matrix and tensor organizations based on these principles.

Operations Strategy

Our services.


Cost reduction in overhead and support functions

Support functions enable business operations. Optimizing cost structures according to the lawnmower principle can significantly harm company performance. Our performance value analysis compares the costs and performance of organizational units, providing companies with an objective basis for making informed decisions on cost adjustments, such as internal optimization, in-house shared service units, or outsourcing. The key to optimization is to make the performance of overhead areas transparent and quantifiable, and to identify the relevant effort and cost drivers of each function to enable optimal, more flexible sizing of these areas.


Quality and compliance

In medical technology and pharmaceuticals in particular, but increasingly also in other industries, compliance with rapidly increasing legal requirements is crucial for securing or expanding a company's own market position. We structure and support quality programs, e.g. for the 28 FDA-relevant quality elements - from audit simulation to the definition and implementation of specific measures for each of the potentially affected corporate functions.


Optimization of product and R&D structures

The corporate R&D project portfolio aims to ensure long-term company success through innovation. While companies often have no shortage of new product ideas, consistent evaluation and prioritization of innovation projects based on market success is crucial. Without this focus, attempts to develop everything at once with limited resources can lead to failure. The innovation pipeline is often overloaded, resulting in slow development and a high proportion of unsuccessful products. It takes the right methodology and entrepreneurial courage to identify early on which product developments are most likely to succeed. In today's dynamic sales markets, the ability to quickly and robustly bring successful products to market is crucial for long-term competitiveness. By optimizing R&D portfolios using design-to-target principles, development units can work more efficiently and achieve greater success.


Supply chain optimization

Shorter delivery times and greater supply chain reliability can come at the cost of higher inventories, money, and risk. However, with intelligent positioning, these costs can be minimized. Segmentation of the supply chain, optimization of the location structure, and precise alignment with market requirements are particularly important in achieving this. This significantly improves the locations of production and logistics centers, as well as the handling of orders and distribution processes. Our location and segmentation models, the Inventory Optimizer and tried-and-tested material flow templates achieve significant improvements in delivery times, reliability and costs.


Optimizing of purchasing structures

Suppliers can significantly impact a company's costs, delivery capabilities, and product quality. The key factors here are transparent costs, a structure that ensures supplier homogeneity within each product group, and clarity regarding the effectiveness of purchasing levers such as consolidation, internationalization, and substitution. Based on this information, product-specific strategies can be developed and successfully implemented with the appropriate purchasing organization. We assist companies in optimizing their purchasing function and realizing potential savings through spend analyses, product group portfolios, and cockpits. Significant savings can often be achieved most quickly in the purchasing department.

Client testimonials Operations Strategy

What our clients say.

VP Strategy Advisors' high level of implementation orientation and social competence enabled us to achieve our project goals quickly and comprehensively.
Dr. Klaus Elmer
CEO Eissmann Automotive Germany GmbH
at the time of the project
Once again a very successful project with VP thanks to rapid identification of the relevant influencing factors, excellent analysis and targeted development of strategic options.
Dr. Holger Krasmann
CEO and Chairman of the Board LISEGA SE
at the time of the project
Without the strong and experienced support of VP Strategy Advisors in every respect, we would not have been able to come up with a well-founded and coordinated concept in such a short time. Now we can go straight into implementation.
Stefan Junker
CFO Bizerba SE & Co. KG
at the time of the project
In addition to the quality and efficiency of the entire project, I was most impressed by the fact that the VP team spoke the same language as our own people after a few weeks.
Dr. Davide Maccbruni
CEO SSM Schärer Schweiter Mettler AG
at the time of the project
The first call I make when in need of strategic consulting is VP. VP brings a fact-based, leading practice approach, and always challenges status quo thinking while offering new and innovative perspectives.
Tom Collard
Head of Global IT TaylorMade Golf
at the time of the project
VP Strategy Advisors very quickly understood the specifics of our company. Based on the corporate strategy, VP ensured that cross-functional target images were developed for the first time, the initiatives were convincingly evaluated in terms of costs, and benefits and a coordinated roadmap was drawn up.
Siegfried Neher
CTO Hoffmann Group
at the time of the project
For many years, VP Strategy Advisors has been our preferred partner for strategic projects. We rely fully on their expertise for the realignment of our European business and organization.
Max Skoglund
Managing Director Hamamatsu Photonics EU
at the time of the project
For more than 20 years, Dr. Veintiger and his team have given us competent advice on crucial issues regarding the company’s development and corporate organization.
H.-P. Stoll
Managing Director and Owner of the Stoll Group
at the time of the project
Within a very short timeframe, VP Strategy Advisors conducted a profound analysis into a very specific topic and developed sound proposals for future steps.
Moritz Eichhöfer
Director Strategic Development GLS Germany
at the time of the project
For many years VP has been our first choice and valued partner for strategic and operational challenges in both business excellence and reorganization. We appreciate not only VP’s experience and knowledge, but also the fact that VP is not afraid to tell us when we are wrong.
Dr. Matthias Schmidt
Head R&D & Technology Rieter AG
at the time of the project
VP Strategy Advisors provided us with optimal support in the implementation of important company projects and, thanks to their expertise, made a decisive contribution to their success.
Michael Klemund
VP Finance Scout24 SE
at the time of the project
VP Strategy Advisors guided the reorientation of our product management, product development and marketing very efficiently. In very short time they developed a new organizational structure and new role profiles that clearly defined tasks and responsibilities.
Ulrich Horn
CEO Managing and Sales Lafarge Gips GmbH
at the time of the project
For many years, we have valued Dr. Veitinger and his competent and experienced MedTech consultants for the support and implementation of our strategic and organizational projects.
Dr. Heinrich Dreyer, Thomas Wahl, Tilo Carstens
General Managers Stryker Freiburg, Selzach & Kiel
at the time of the project
For structuring and development of concepts, VP Strategy Advisors is the right contact. Their deep expertise and excellent approaches enable rapid, absolutely reliable and target oriented results.
Jan Brecht
CIO & Head of Supply Chain at the Adidas Group
at the time of the project
Operation Strategy denotes an optimal setup based on a deep, analytical understanding of our own strengths and opportunities, especially with regards to R&D structures, intellectual property protection and product management, value creation and sourcing strategies, as well as supply chain and production concepts.
Arnim Malik
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